

Before running ADflow we need a CGNS mesh. The mesh must be in meters. For a complete tutorial on using MACH, including meshing, please refer to the MACH-Aero tutorial.

Basic Run Script

The following shows how to get started with ADflow by running the mdo_tutorial wing problem. First, we show the complete program listing and then go through each statement line by line:

# This is a template that should be used for setting up
# RANS analysis scripts

# ======================================================================
#         Import modules
# ======================================================================
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
from baseclasses import *
from adflow import ADFLOW

# ======================================================================
#         Input Information -- Modify accordingly!
# ======================================================================
outputDirectory = './'
gridFile = '../INPUT/rans_grid.cgns'
alpha = 2.0
mach = 0.78
areaRef = 45.5
chordRef = 3.25
MGCycle = '3w'
altitude = 10000
name = 'fc'

aeroOptions = {
# Common Parameters

# Physics Parameters

# Common Parameters

# Convergence Parameters

# Aerodynamic problem description
ap = AeroProblem(name=name, alpha=alpha, mach=mach, altitude=altitude,
areaRef=areaRef, chordRef=chordRef,
# Create solver
CFDSolver = ADFLOW(options=aeroOptions)

# Solve and evaluate functions
funcs = {}
CFDSolver.evalFunctions(ap, funcs)

# Print the evaluatd functions
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
    print funcs

Start by importing the adflow, baseclasses, and mpi4py.:

# ======================================================================
#         Import modules
# ======================================================================
import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
from baseclasses import *
from adflow import ADFLOW

Then, we define inputs as well as options for ADflow. The grid files is in CGNS format. We usually use ICEM CFD to generate grids. Here, we also define a few flow conditions and reference values to be put into AeroProblem later.:

# ======================================================================
#         Input Information -- Modify accordingly!
# ======================================================================
outputDirectory = './'
gridFile = '../INPUT/rans_grid.cgns'
alpha = 2.0
mach = 0.78
areaRef = 45.5
chordRef = 3.25
MGCycle = '3w'
altitude = 10000
name = 'fc'

aeroOptions = {
# Common Parameters

# Physics Parameters

# Common Parameters

# Convergence Parameters

Now, this is the actually solution part. We start by defining the AeroProblem, which is import from baseclasses. We specify flow conditions and reference values into the aeroProblem. We also tell the solver which solution values that we are interested in. In this case, we use the keyword evalFuncs.

# Aerodynamic problem description
ap = AeroProblem(name=name, alpha=alpha, mach=mach, altitude=altitude,
areaRef=areaRef, chordRef=chordRef,

Then, we create the ADflow instant. We also provide ADflow all the options that we just specified above.

# Create solver
CFDSolver = ADFLOW(options=aeroOptions)

Now, we solve the CFD problem. CFDSolver(ap) is the command that actually solve the CFD. You can see print out from ADflow of each iteration here. This example will take just a couple minutes. CFDSolver.evalFunctions() return the function of interests we specified in AeroProblem.:

# Solve and evaluate functions
funcs = {}
CFDSolver.evalFunctions(ap, funcs)

Finally, we print out the value of cd and cl. We only print on the root processor.

# Print the evaluated functions
if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
print funcs


Here some notes on how to set up various functionality in ADflow is listed.

Rigid rotation for time-accurate solution

This is a small tutorial how to set the appropriate flags to do a rigid rotation. The following ADflow options flags need to be set:

useGridMotion = True
alphaFollowing = False

There are three boolean flags that control the rigid rotation axis pmode - rotation about x axis rmode - rotation about y axis qmode - rotation about z axis

Usually there is only one mode set at a time. When doing a rigid rotation beware that the sign on deltaAlpha needs to be set appropriately depending on what axis the wing is rotating about!

There are two common cases. The span of the wing is in, y direction (rotation about y-axis) or z direction (rotation about y-axis):

  1. Span is in y direction / rotation is about the y-axis. (rmode needs to be set to true)

  • positive rotation (+deltaAlpha) will pitch the wing upwards

  • negative rotation (-deltaAlpha) will pitch the wing downwards

  1. Span is in z direction / rotation is about the z-axis (qmode needs to be set to true)

  • negative rotation (-deltaAlpha) will pitch the wing upwards

  • positive rotation (+deltaAlpha) will pitch the wing downwards

Kill Signals

ADflow has two defined kill signals that can stop or kill ADflow gracefully without the loss of data. The two signals defined are

  • -USR1 - instructs ADflow to write a solution file after the current iteration

  • -USR2 - instructs ADflow to write a solution file and the computation will be stopped.

The definition of an iteration is different for steady and unsteady. For steady it means after the current iteration, for unsteady after the current time step.

The signals are enabled by default but can be switched off or disabled at compile time using the compiler flag -DUSE_NO_SIGNALS.

To use the signals from the command line run:

kill -USR1 <PID>

where <PID> is the process id of the mpi process. These signals are often used when debugging. For instance, the -USR1 signal can be useful to write out a semi-converged solution for further investigation, and the -USR2 can be used to stop a stalled solution without loss of data. Other use-cases are also possible. To obtain the <PID>, one can for example use top or ps -ef.