pyADflow API

class adflow.pyADflow.ADFLOW(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create the ADflow object.

commMPI intra comm

The communicator on which to create ADflow. If not given, defaults to MPI.COMM_WORLD.


The list of options to use with ADflow. This keyword argument is NOT OPTIONAL. It must always be provided. It must contain, at least the ‘gridFile’ entry for the filename of the grid to load


Set this flag to true when debugging with a symbolic debugger. The MExt module deletes the copied .so file when not required which causes issues debugging.


String type for float: ‘d’ or ‘D’. Not needed to be used by user.

addActuatorRegion(fileName, axis1, axis2, familyName, thrust=0.0, torque=0.0, heat=0.0, relaxStart=None, relaxEnd=None, coordXfer=None)[source]

Add an actuator disk zone defined by the supplied closed surface in the plot3d file “fileName”. This surface defines the physical extent of the region over which to apply the source terms. The plot3d file may be multi-block but all the surface normals must point outside and no additional surfaces can be inside. Internally, we find all of the CFD volume cells that have their center inside this closed surface and apply the source terms over these cells. This surface is only used with the original mesh coordinates to mark the internal CFD cells, and we keep using these cells even if the geometric design and the mesh coordinates change. For example, the marked cells can lie outside of the original closed surface after a large design change, but we will still use the cells that were inside the surface with the baseline design.

axis1 and axis2 define the vector that we use to determine the direction of the thrust addition. Internally, we compute a vector by $axisVec = axis2-axis1$ and then we normalize this vector. When adding the thrust terms, the direction of the thrust is obtained by multiplying the thrust magnitude by this vector.

Optionally, the source terms in the actuator zone can be gradually ramped up as the solution converges. This continuation approach can be more robust but the users should be careful with the side effects of partially converged solutions. This behavior can be controlled by relaxStart and relaxEnd parameters. By default, the full magnitude of the source terms are added. relaxStart controls when the continuation starts ramping up. The value represents the relative convergence in a log10 basis. So relaxStart = 2 means the source terms will be inactive until the residual is decreased by a factor of 100 compared to free stream conditions. The source terms are ramped to the full magnitude at relaxEnd. E.g., a relaxEnd value of 4 would result in the full source terms after a relative reduction of 1e4 in the total residuals. If relaxStart is not provided, but relaxEnd is provided, then the relaxStart is assumed to be 0. If both are not provided, we do not do ramping and just activate the full source terms from the beginning. When this continuation is used, we internally ramp up the magnitude of the source terms monotonically to prevent oscillations; i.e., decrease in the total residuals increase the source term magnitudes, but an increase in the residuals do not reduce the source terms back down.


Surface Plot 3D file (multiblock ascii) defining the closed region over which the integration is to be applied.

axis1numpy array, length 3

The physical location of the start of the axis

axis2numpy array, length 4

The physical location of the end of the axis


The name to be associated with the functions defined on this region.

thrustscalar, float

The total amount of axial force to apply to this region, in the direction of axis1 -> axis2

torquescalar, float

The total amount of torque to apply to the region, about the specified axis.

heatscalar, float

The total amount of head added in the actuator zone with source terms

relaxStartscalar, float

The start of the relaxation in terms of orders of magnitude of relative convergence

relaxEndscalar, float

The end of the relaxation in terms of orders of magnitude of relative convergence


A callback function that performs a coordinate transformation between the original reference frame and any other reference frame relevant to the current CFD case. This allows user to apply arbitrary modifications to the loaded plot3d surface. The call signature is documented in DVGeometry’s addPointset method.

addArbitrarySlices(normals, points, sliceType='relative', groupName=None, sliceDir=None)[source]

Add slices that vary arbitrarily in space. This is a generalization of the addSlices routine, where we have the user specify a list of “normals” and “points” that define slice planes. Rest of the code is the same. This way users can add slices that follow the dihedral of a wing for example.

normals3-d array or ndarray (nSlice, 3)

The normals of the slice directions. If an array of size 3 is passed, we use the same normal for all slices. if an array of multiple normals are passed, we use the individual normals for each point. in this case, the numbers of points and normals must match.

pointsndarray (nSlice, 3)

Point coordinates that define a slicing plane along with the normals

sliceDirndarray (nSlice, 3)

If this is provided, only the intersections that is in this direction starting from the normal is kept. This is useful if you are slicing a closed geometry and only want to keep one side of it. It is similar to the functionality provided in addCylindricalSlices.

sliceTypestr {‘relative’, ‘absolute’}

Relative slices are ‘sliced’ at the beginning and then parametrically move as the geometry deforms. As a result, the slice through the geometry may not remain planar. An absolute slice is re-sliced for every output so is always exactly planar and always at the initial position the user indicated.


The family to use for the slices. Default is None corresponding to all wall groups.

addCylindricalSlices(pt1, pt2, nSlice=25, sliceBeg=0.0, sliceEnd=360.0, sliceType='relative', groupName=None)[source]

Add cylindrical projection slices. The cylindrical projection axis is defined from pt1 to pt2. Then we start from the lift direction and rotate around this axis until we are back at the beginning. The rotation direction follows the right hand rule; we rotate the plane in the direction of vectors from pt1 to pt2 crossed with the lift direction. This routine will not work as is if the cylinder axis is exactly aligned with the lift direction. If that use case is needed, consider using addArbitrarySlices.

pt1numpy array, length 3

beginning point of the vector that defines the rotation axis

pt2numpy array, length 3

end point of the vector that defines the rotation axis


number of slices around a 360 degree full rotation.


beginning of the slices in the rotation direction in degrees


end of the slices in the rotation direction in degrees

sliceTypestr {‘relative’, ‘absolute’}

Relative slices are ‘sliced’ at the beginning and then parametrically move as the geometry deforms. As a result, the slice through the geometry may not remain planar. An absolute slice is re-sliced for every output so is always exactly planar and always at the initial position the user indicated.


The family to use for the slices. Default is None corresponding to all wall groups.

addFunction(funcName, groupName, name=None)[source]

Add a “new” function to ADflow by restricting the integration of an existing ADflow function by a section of the mesh defined by ‘groupName’. The function will be named ‘funcName_groupName’ provided that the ‘name’ keyword argument is not given. It is is, the function will be use that name. If necessary, this routine may be used to “change the name” of a function. For example,

>>> addFunction('cd', None, 'super_cd')

will add a function that is the same as ‘cd’, but called ‘super_cd’.

funcNamestr or list

The name of the built-in adflow function

groupNamestr or list

The family or group of families to use for the function

Namestr or list

An overwrite name.


The names if the functions that were added

addFunctions(funcNames, groupNames, names=None)[source]

Add a series of new functions to ADflow. This is a vector version of the addFunction() routine. See that routine for more documentation.

addIntegrationSurface(fileName, familyName, isInflow=True, coordXfer=None)[source]

Add a specific integration surface for performing massflow-like computations.


Surface Plot 3D file (may have multiple zones) defining integration surface.


User supplied name to use for this family. It should not already be a name that is defined by the surfaces of the CGNS file.


Flag to treat momentum forces as if it is an inflow or outflow face. Default is True


A callback function that performs a coordinate transformation between the original reference frame and any other reference frame relevant to the current CFD case. This allows user to apply arbitrary modifications to the loaded plot3d surface. The call signature is documented in DVGeometry’s addPointset method.

addLiftDistribution(nSegments, direction, groupName=None)[source]

Add a lift distribution to the surface output.


Number of slices to use for the distribution. Typically 150-250 is sufficient

directionstr {‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’}

The normal of the slice direction. If you have z-axis ‘out the wing’ you would use ‘z’

groupName: str

The family group to use for the lift distribution. Default of None corresponds to all wall surfaces.

addSlices(direction, positions, sliceType='relative', groupName=None)[source]

Add parametric slice positions. Slices are taken of the wing at time addParaSlices() is called and the parametric positions of the intersections on the surface mesh are stored. On subsequent output, the position of the slice moves as the mesh moves/deforms. This effectively tracks the same location on the wing.

directionstr {‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’}

The normal of the slice direction. If you have z-axis ‘out the wing’ you would use ‘z’

positionsfloat or array

The list of slice positions along the axis given by direction.

sliceTypestr {‘relative’, ‘absolute’}

Relative slices are ‘sliced’ at the beginning and then parametrically move as the geometry deforms. As a result, the slice through the geometry may not remain planar. An absolute slice is re-sliced for every output so is always exactly planar and always at the initial position the user indicated.


The family to use for the slices. Default is None corresponding to all wall groups.

addUserFunction(funcName, functions, callBack)[source]

Add a new function to ADflow by combining existing functions in a user-supplied way. The allows the user to define a function such as L/D while only requiring a single adjoint solution.


The name of user-supplied function

functionslist of strings

The exisitng function strings which are the input to the callBack function

callBackpython function handle

The user supplied function that will produce the user function. This routine must be complex-step safe for the purpose of computing sensitivities.


>>> ap = AeroProblem(....,evalFuncs=['L/D'])
>>> CFDSolver = ADFLOW(options=....)
>>> def LoverD(funcs):
        funcs['L/D'] = funcs['cl']/funcs['cd']
        return funcs
>>> CFDSolver.addUserFunction('L/D', ['cl','cd'], LoverD)

Advance one unit of timestep and physical time.


This function determines the potential load balancing for nprocs. The intent is this function can be run in serial to determine the best number of procs for load balancing. The grid is never actually loaded so this function can be run with VERY large grids without issue.


The number of procs check partitioning on


The fraction of inbalance for cells. 0 is good. 1.0 is really bad


The fraction of inbalance for faces. This gives an idea of communication code. 0 is god. 1.0 is really bad.

computeJacobianVectorProductBwd(resBar=None, funcsBar=None, fBar=None, wDeriv=None, xVDeriv=None, xSDeriv=None, xDvDeriv=None, xDvDerivAero=None)[source]

This the main python gateway for producing reverse mode jacobian vector products. It is not generally called by the user by rather internally or from another solver. A mesh object must be present for the xSDeriv=True flag and a mesh and DVGeo object must be present for xDvDeriv=True flag. Note that more than one of the specified return flags may be spcified. If more than one return is specified, the order of return is : (wDeriv, xVDeriv, XsDeriv, xDvDeriv, dXdvDerivAero).

resBarnumpy array

Seed for the residuals (dwb in adflow)


Dictionary of functions with reverse seeds. Only nonzero seeds need to be provided. All other seeds will be taken as zero.

fBarnumpy array

Seed for the forces (or tractions depending on the option value) to use in reverse mode.


Flag specifiying if the state (w) derivative (wb) should be returned


Flag specifiying if the volume node (xV) derivative should be returned


Flag specifiying if the surface node (xS) derivative should be returned.


Flag specifiying if the design variable (xDv) derviatives should be returned. This will include both geometric and aerodynamic derivatives


Flag to return just the aerodynamic derivatives. If this is True and xDvDeriv is False,*just* the aerodynamic derivatives are returned.

wbar, xvbar, xsbar, xdvbar, xdvaerobararray, array, array, dict, dict

One or more of these are returned depending on the *Deriv flags provided.


This fast routine computes only the derivatives of the residuals with respect to the states. This is the operator used for the matrix-free solution of the adjoint system.

resBarnumpy array

Seed for the residuals (dwb in adflow)

wbar: array

state derivative seeds

computeJacobianVectorProductFwd(xDvDot=None, xSDot=None, xVDot=None, wDot=None, residualDeriv=False, funcDeriv=False, fDeriv=False, groupName=None, mode='AD', h=None, evalFuncs=None)[source]

This the main python gateway for producing forward mode jacobian vector products. It is not generally called by the user by rather internally or from another solver. A DVGeo object and a mesh object must both be set for this routine.


Perturbation on the geometric design variables defined in DVGeo.

xSDotnumpy array

Perturbation on the surface

xVDotnumpy array

Perturbation on the volume

wDotnumpy array

Perturbation the state variables


Flag specifiying if the residualDerivative (dwDot) should be returned


Flag specifiying if the derviative of the cost functions (as defined in the current aeroproblem) should be returned.


Flag specifiying if the derviative of the surface forces (tractions) should be returned


Optional group name to use for evaluating functions. Defaults to all surfaces.

modestr [“AD”, “FD”, or “CS”]

Specifies how the jacobian vector products will be computed.


Step sized used when the mode is “FD” or “CS

dwdot, funcsdot, fDotarray, dict, array

One or more of the these are return depending on the *Deriv flags


run the stability derivative driver to compute the stability parameters from the time spectral solution

evalFunctions(aeroProblem, funcs, evalFuncs=None, ignoreMissing=False)[source]

Evaluate the desired functions given in iterable object, ‘evalFuncs’ and add them to the dictionary ‘funcs’. The keys in the funcs dictionary will be have an <>_ prepended to them.


The aerodynamic problem to to get the solution for


Dictionary into which the functions are saved.

evalFuncsiterable object containing strings

If not None, use these functions to evaluate.


Flag to suppress checking for a valid function. Please use this option with caution.


>>> funcs = {}
>>> CFDsolver(ap)
>>> CFDsolver.evalFunctions(ap1, funcs, ['cl', 'cd'])
>>> funcs
>>> # Result will look like (if aeroProblem, ap1, has name of 'wing'):
>>> # {'wing_cl':0.501, 'wing_cd':0.02750}
evalFunctionsSens(aeroProblem, funcsSens, evalFuncs=None)[source]

Evaluate the sensitivity of the desired functions given in iterable object, ‘evalFuncs’ and add them to the dictionary ‘funcSens’. The keys in the ‘funcsSens’ dictionary will be have an <>_ prepended to them.


Dictionary into which the function derivatives are saved.

evalFuncsiterable object containing strings

The additional functions the user wants returned that are not already defined in the aeroProblem


>>> funcSens = {}
>>> CFDsolver.evalFunctionsSens(ap1, funcSens, ['cl', 'cd'])

Return the adjoint values for objective if they exist. Otherwise just return zeros


Return the following adjoint residual norms: initRes Norm: Norm the adjoint RHS startRes Norm: Norm at the start of adjoint call (with possible non-zero restart) finalCFD Norm: Norm at the end of adjoint solve


Return the number of ADJOINT degrees of freedom (states) that are on this processor. The reason this is different from getStateSize() is that if frozenTurbulence is used for RANS, the nonlinear system has 5+neq turb states per cell, while the adjoint still has 5.


Retrieve the convergence history from the fortran level.

This information is printed to the terminal during a run. It is iterTot, IterType, CFL, Step, Linear Res, and CPU time (if added as a monitor variable) and the data for each monitor variable.


The scaling factor specific to the processor. If provided and CPU time is a monitor variable (showcpu is true), the work units (a processor independent time unit) ~will be added to the returned dict too.


A dictionary of arrays and lists. The keys are the data types. The indices of the arrays are the major iteration numbers.


>>> CFDsolver(ap)
>>> CFDsolver.evalFunctions(ap1, funcs, ['cl', 'cd'])
>>> hist = CFDSolver.getConvergenceHistory()
>>> if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
>>>     with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "convergence_history.pkl"), "wb") as f:
>>>         pickle.dump(hist, f)
getForces(groupName=None, TS=0)[source]

Return the forces on this processor on the families defined by groupName.


Group identifier to get only forces cooresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


Spectral instance for which to get the forces

forcesarray (N,3)

Forces (or tractions depending on that forceAsTractions options) on this processor. Note that N may be 0, and an empty array of shape (0, 3) can be returned.

getHeatFluxes(groupName=None, TS=0)[source]

Return the heat fluxes for isothermal walls on the families defined by group name on this processor.


Group identifier to get only heat fluxes cooresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


Spectral instance for which to get the fluxes.

heatFluxesarray (N)

HeatFluxes on this processor. Note that N may be 0, and an empty array of shape (0) can be returned.


Return the total number of cells in the mesh


Take the apName and return the mangled point set name.


Return the initial, starting and final Res Norms. Typically used by an external solver.

getResidual(aeroProblem, res=None, releaseAdjointMemory=True)[source]

Return the residual on this processor. Used in aerostructural analysis


Retrieve the basic solution variables from the solver. This will return all variables defined in basicCostFunctions for the specified group. This is a lower level function than evalFunctions() which should be used for optimization.


The family group on which to evaluate the functions.


Get the list of indices to pass to the mesh object for the volume mesh mapping


This is is a debugging routine only. It is used only in regression tests when it is necessary to compute a consistent random spatial vector seed that is independent of per-processor block distribution.


Seed to use for random number. Only significant on root processor


Return the number of degrees of spatial degrees of freedom on this processor. This is (number of nodes)*(number of spectral instances)*3


This is is a debugging routine only. It is used only in regression tests when it is necessary to compute a consistent random state vector seed that is independent of per-processor block distribution. This routine is not memory scalable as a complete state vector is generated on each process.


Seed to use for random number. Only significant on root processor


Return the number of degrees of freedom (states) that are on this processor. This is (number of states)*(number of cells)*(number of spectral instances)


Return the states on this processor. Used in aerostructural analysis

getSurfaceConnectivity(groupName=None, includeZipper=True, includeCGNS=False)[source]

Return the connectivity dinates at which the forces (or tractions) are defined. This is the complement of getForces() which returns the forces at the locations returned in this routine.


Group identifier to get only forces cooresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


Whether or not this function should return the indices of the CGNS blocks that each face patch belongs to. Zipper mesh patches will have cgnsBlockID = -1.


This is is a debugging routine only. It is used only in regression tests when it is necessary to compute a consistent random surface perturbation seed that is independent of per-processor block distribution.


Seed to use for random number. Only significant on root processor

getSurfacePoints(groupName=None, includeZipper=True, TS=0)[source]

Return the coordinates for the surfaces defined by groupName.


Group identifier to get only coordinates cooresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


The time spectral instance to use for the forces.


This is is a debugging routine only. It is used only in regression tests when it is necessary to compute the norm of a spatial perturbuation on meshes that are split. This will unique-ify the nodes and accumulate onto the unique nodes thus giving the same norm independent of the block splits. Again, this routine is not memory scalable and should only be used for debugging purposes.

dXvnumpy vector

Spatial perturbation of size getSpatialSize()

globalAdjointPreCon(inVec, outVec)[source]

This function is ONLY used as a preconditioner to the global Aero-Structural ADJOINT system. This computes outVec = M^(-1)*inVec where M^(-1) is the approximate inverse application of the preconditing matrix.


inVec must be size self.getAdjointStateSize()


Preconditioned vector

globalNKPreCon(inVec, outVec)[source]

This function is ONLY used as a preconditioner to the global Aero-Structural system. This computes outVec = M^(-1)*inVec where M^(-1) is the approximate inverse application of the preconditing matrix.


inVec must be size self.getStateSize()


Preconditioned vector

mapVector(vec1, groupName1, groupName2, vec2=None, includeZipper=True)[source]

This is the main workhorse routine of everything that deals with families in ADflow. The purpose of this routine is to convert a vector ‘vec1’ (of size Nx3) that was evaluated with ‘groupName1’ and expand or contract it (and adjust the ordering) to produce ‘vec2’ evaluated on groupName2.

A little ascii art might help. Consider the following “mesh” . Family ‘fam1’ has 9 points, ‘fam2’ has 10 pts and ‘fam3’ has 5 points. Consider that we have also also added two additional groups: ‘f12’ containing ‘fam1’ and ‘fam2’ and a group ‘f23’ that contains families ‘fam2’ and ‘fam3’. The vector we want to map is ‘vec1’. It is length 9+10. All the ‘x’s are significant values.

The call: mapVector(vec1, ‘f12’, ‘f23’)

will produce the “returned vec” array, containing the significant values from ‘fam2’, where the two groups overlap, and the new values from ‘fam3’ set to zero. The values from fam1 are lost. The returned vec has size 15.

    fam1     fam2      fam3

|xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx|        <- vec1
          |xxxxxxxxxx 000000| <- returned vec (vec2)

It is also possible to pass in vec2 into this routine. For that case, the existing values in the array will not be kept. In the previous examples, the values corresponding to fam3 will retain their original values.

vec1Numpy array

Array of size Nx3 that will be mapped to a different family set.


The family group where the vector vec1 is currently defined


The family group where we want to the vector to mapped into

vec2Numpy array or None

Array containing existing values in the output vector we want to keep. If this vector is not given, the values will be filled with zeros.

vec2Numpy array

The input vector maped to the families defined in groupName2.

propagateUncertainty(aeroProblem, evalFuncs=None, UQDict=None)[source]

Use the first order second moment method to predict output uncertainties for the current solution.


The aerodynamic problem to solve

evalFuncsiterable object containing strings

The functions the user wants the uncertainty of


Dictionary containing the mean and std dev. of the input parameters that are providing the uncertain input.


release the PETSc Memory that have been allocated


Resets the ANK CFL of the aeroProblem to the value set by “ANKCFL0” option. During the first ANK iteration that follows, this will be overwritten by the ANK solver itself with the CFL Min logic based on relative convergence. This is useful if keeping a really high ANK CFL is not desired.


The aeroproblem whose ANK CFL will be reset.


Reset an adjoint ‘obj’ that is stored in the current aeroProblem. If the adjoint does not yet exist, nothing is done


String identifing the objective.

resetFlow(aeroProblem, releaseAdjointMemory=True)[source]

Reset the flow after a failure or for a complex step derivative operation.


The aeroproblem with the flow information we would like to reset the flow to.

rootSetOption(name, value, reset=False)[source]

Set ADflow options from the root proc. The option will be broadcast to all procs when __call__ is invoked.


The name of the option


The value of the option


If True, we reset all previously-set rootChangedOptions.

See also


Save the adjoint matrix to a binary petsc file for possible future external testing


Filename to use. The Adjoint matrix, PC matrix(if it exists) and RHS will be written

setAdjoint(adjoint, objective=None)[source]

Sets the adjoint vector externally. Used in coupled solver

setAeroProblem(aeroProblem, releaseAdjointMemory=True)[source]

Set the supplied aeroProblem to be used in ADflow.


The supplied aeroproblem to be set.

releaseAdjointMemorybool, optional

Flag to release the adjoint memory when setting a new aeroproblem, by default True

setDisplacements(aeroProblem, dispFile)[source]

This function allows the user to perform aerodynamic analysis/optimization while using a fixed set of displacements computed from a previous structural analysis. Essentially this allows the jig shape to designed, but performing analysis on the flying shape.


The AP object that the displacements should be applied to.


The file contaning the displacements. This file should have been obtained from TACS


The fixed set of displacements do not affect the sensitivities, since they are fixed and not affected by any DVs.

Also, in the case where the current surface mesh was not used to generate the displacements file, a nearest neighbor search is used to apply the displacements.


Set the mesh object to the aero_solver to do geometric deformations

meshMBMesh or USMesh object

The mesh object for doing the warping

setOption(name, value)[source]

Set Solver Option Value

setResNorms(initNorm=None, startNorm=None, finalNorm=None)[source]

Set one of these norms if not None. Typlically used by an external solver

setRotationRate(rotCenter, rotRate, cgnsBlocks=None)[source]

Set the rotational rate for the grid:

rotCenter: 3-vectorThe center of rotation for steady motion rotRate: 3-vector or aeroProblem: If it is a 3-vector, take the rotations to about x-y-z, if it is an aeroProblem with p,q,r, defined, use that to compute rotations. cgnsBlocks: The list of blocks to set. NOTE: This must be in 1-based ordering!


Set the states on this processor. Used in aerostructural analysis and for switching aeroproblems

setSurfaceCoordinates(coordinates, groupName=None)[source]

Set the updated surface coordinates for a particular group.

coordinatesnumpy array

Numpy array of size Nx3, where N is the number of coordinates on this processor. This array must have the same shape as the array obtained with getSurfaceCoordinates()


Name of family or group of families for which to return coordinates for.

setTargetCp(CpTargets, groupName=None, TS=0)[source]

Set the CpTarget distribution for am inverse design problem.

CpSurfnumpy array

Array of CP targets to set for the surface. This size must correpsond to the size of the surface obtained using the same groupName.


Group identifier to set only CPtargets corresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


Time spectral instance to set.

setWallTemperature(temperature, groupName=None, TS=0)[source]

Set the temperature of the isothermal walls.

temperaturenumpy array

Dimensional temperature to set for wall. This size must correpsond to the size of the heat flux obtained using the same groupName.


Group identifier to set only temperatures corresponding to the desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied group of families. The default is None which corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.


Time spectral instance to set.

solveAdjointForRHS(inVec, relTol=None)[source]

Solve the adjoint system with an arbitary RHS vector.

inVecnumpy array

Array of size w

outVecnumpy array

Solution vector of size w

solveCL(aeroProblem, CLStar, alpha0=None, CLalphaGuess=None, delta=0.5, tol=0.001, autoReset=False, maxIter=20, relaxCLa=1.0, relaxAlpha=1.0, L2ConvRel=None, stopOnStall=False, writeSolution=False, workUnitTime=None, updateCutoff=1e-16)[source]

This is a simple secant method search for solving for a fixed CL. This really should only be used to determine the starting alpha for a lift constraint in an optimization.


The aerodynamic problem to solve


The desired target CL

alpha0angle (deg)

Initial guess for secant search (deg). If None, use the value in the aeroProblem

CLalphaGuessfloat or None

The user can provide an estimate for the lift curve slope in order to accelerate convergence. If the user supply a value to this option, it will not use the delta value anymore to select the angle of attack of the second run. The value should be in 1/deg.

deltaangle (deg)

Initial step direction for secant search


Desired tolerance for CL


Flag to reset flow between solves. The Euler NK method has issues when only the alpha is changed (Martois effect we think). This will reset the flow after each solve which solves this problem. Not necessary (or desired) when using the RK solver. The useCorrection option is the preferred way of addressing this issue with the NK/ANK methods. If solver still struggles after restarts with the correction, this option can be used.


Maximum number of secant solver iterations.


Relaxation factor for the CLalpha update. Value of 1.0 will give the standard secant solver. A lower value will damp the update to the CL alpha. Useful when the CL output is expected to be noisy.


Relaxation factor for the alpha update. Value of 1.0 will give the standard secant solver. A lower value will damp the alpha update. Useful to prevent large changes to alpha.

L2ConvRelfloat or list or None

Temporary relative L2 convergence for each iteration of the CL solver. If the option is set to None, we don’t modify the L2ConvergenceRel option. If a float is provided, we use this value as the target relative L2 convergence for each iteration. If a list of floats is provided, we iterate over the values and set the relative L2 convergence target separately for each iteration. If the list length is less than the maximum number of iterations we can perform, we keep using the last value of the list until we run out of iterations.


Flag to determine if we want to stop early if the solver fails to achieve the relative or total L2 convergence. This is useful when the solver is expected to converge to the target L2 tolerances at each call.


Flag to enable a call to self.writeSolution as the CL solver is finished.

workUnitTimefloat or None

Optional parameter that will be passed to getConvergenceHistory after each adflow call.


Required change in alpha to trigger the clalpha update with the Secant method. If the change in alpha is smaller than this option we don’t even bother changing clalpha and keep using the clalpha value from the last iteration. This prevents clalpha from getting bad updates due to noisy cl outputs that result from small alpha changes.


Dictionary that contains various results from the cl solve. The dictionary contains the following data:


Flag indicating cl solver convergence. True means both the CL solver target tolerance AND the overall target L2 convergence is achieved. False means either one or both of the tolerances are not reached.


Number of iterations ran.


Final relative L2 convergence of the solver w.r.t. free stream residual. Useful to check overall CFD convergence.


Final angle of attack value


Final CL value.


The original target CL. returned for convenience.


Error in cl value.


Estimate to clalpha used in the last solver iteration


Total time the solver needed, in seconds


List of solver convergence histories. Each entry in the list contains the convergence history of the solver from each CL Solve iteration. The history is returned using the “getConvergenceHistory” method.

solveDirectForRHS(inVec, relTol=None)[source]

Solve the direct system with an arbitary RHS vector.

inVecnumpy array

Array of size w

outVecnumpy array

Solution vector of size w

solveErrorEstimate(aeroProblem, funcError, evalFuncs=None)[source]

Evaluate the desired function errors given in iterable object ‘evalFuncs’, and add them to the dictionary ‘funcError’. The keys in the funcError dictionary will be have an <>_ prepended to them.


The aerodynamic problem to get the error for


Dictionary into which the function errors are saved. We define error to be \(\epsilon = f^\ast - f\), where \(f^\ast\) is the converged solution and \(f\) is the unconverged solution.

evalFuncsiterable object containing strings

If not None, use these functions to evaluate.


>>> CFDsolver(ap)
>>> funcsSens = {}
>>> CFDSolver.evalFunctionsSens(ap, funcsSens)
>>> funcError = {}
>>> CFDsolver.solveErrorEstimate(ap, funcError)
>>> # Result will look like (if aeroProblem, ap, has name of 'wing'):
>>> print(funcError)
>>> # {'wing_cl':0.00085, 'wing_cd':0.000021}
solveSep(aeroProblem, sepStar, nIter=10, alpha0=None, delta=0.1, tol=0.001, expansionRatio=1.2, sepName=None)[source]

This is a safe-guarded secant search method to determine the alpha that yields a specified value of the separation sensor. Since this function is highly nonlinear we use a linear search to get the bounding range first.


The aerodynamic problem to solve


The desired target separation sensor value


Maximum number of iterations

alpha0angle (deg) or None

Initial guess. If none, use what is in aeroProblem.

deltaangle (deg)

Initial step. Only the magnitude is significant


Desired tolerance for sepSensor

sepNamestr or None

User supplied function to use for sep sensor. May be a user-added group function.

None, but the correct alpha is stored in the aeroProblem
solveTargetFuncs(aeroProblem, funcDict, tol=0.0001, nIter=10, Jac0=None)[source]

Solve the an arbitrary set of function-dv sets using a Broyden method.


The aerodynamic problem to be solved


Dictionary of function DV pairs to solve: {‘func’:{‘dv’:str, ‘dvIdx’:idx,’target’:val,’initVal’:val,’initStep’:val}} func : Name of function that is being solved for dv : design variable that has dominant control of this function value dvIdx : index into dv array if dv is not scalar target : target function value initVal : initial design variable value initStep : initial step for this dv in when generating finite difference starting jacobian


Tolerance for the L2 norm of function error from target values


Maximum number of iterations.

Jac0nxn numpy array

Initial guess for the func-dv Jacobian. Usually obtained from a previous analysis and saves n function evaluations to produce the initial Jacobian.


Solve the current time step, and write solutions if necessary

solveTrimCL(aeroProblem, trimFunc, trimDV, dvIndex, CLStar, trimStar=0.0, alpha0=None, trim0=None, da=0.001, deta=0.01, tol=0.0001, nIter=10, Jac0=None, liftFunc='cl')[source]

Solve the trim-Cl problem using a Broyden method.

ASProblemASProblem instance

The aerostructural problem to be solved


Solution variable to use for trim. Usually ‘cmy’ or ‘cmz’


Dame of DVGeo design variable to control trim


Index of the trimDV function to use for trim


Desired CL value


Desired trimFunc value

alpha0float or None

Starting alpha. If None, use what is in the aeroProblem

trim0float or None

Starting trim value. If None, use what is in the DVGeo object


Initial alpha step for Jacobian


Initial stet in the ‘eta’ or trim dv function


Tolerance for trimCL solve solution


Maximum number of iterations.

Jac02x2 numpy array

Initial guess for the trim-cl Jacobian. Usually obtained from a previous analysis and saves two function evaluations to produce the initial Jacobian.


Solution variable to use for lift. Usually ‘cl’ or a custom function created from cl.


Update the ADflow internal geometry info.

writeActuatorRegions(fileName, outputDir=None)[source]

Debug method that writes the cells included in actuator regions to a tecplot file. This routine should be called on all of the procs in self.comm. The output can then be used to verify that the actuator zones are defined correctly.


Name of the output file


output directory. If not provided, defaults to the output directory defined with the aero_options

writeForceFile(fileName, TS=0, groupName=None, cfdForcePts=None)[source]

This function collects all the forces and locations and writes them to a file with each line having: X Y Z Fx Fy Fz. This can then be used to set a set of structural loads in TACS for structural only optimization

Like the getForces() routine, an external set of forces may be passed in on which to evaluate the forces. This is only typically used in an aerostructural case.


Evaluate and write the lift distibution to a tecplot file.


File of lift distribution. Should have .dat extension.


Write the current mesh to a CGNS file. This call isn’t used normally since the volume solution usually contains the grid


Name of the mesh file


Evaluate and write the defined slice information to a tecplot file.


Slice file. Should have .dat extension.

writeSolution(outputDir=None, baseName=None, number=None, writeSlices=True, writeLift=True)[source]

This is a generic shell function that potentially writes the various output files. The intent is that the user or calling program can call this file and ADflow write all the files that the user has defined. It is recommended that this function is used along with the associated logical flags in the options to determine the desired writing procedure


Use the supplied output directory


Use this supplied string for the base filename. Typically only used from an external solver.


Use the user supplied number to index solution. Again, only typically used from an external solver.


Flag to determine if the slice files are written, if we have any slices added.


Flag to determine if the lift files are written, if we have any lift distributions added.

writeSurfaceSensitivity(fileName, func, groupName=None)[source]

Write a tecplot file of the surface sensitivity. It is up to the use to make sure the adjoint already computed before calling this function.


String for output filename. Should end in .dat for tecplot.


ADFlow objective string for the objective to write.


Family group to use. Default to all walls if not given (None)


Write the current state of the surface flow solution to a CGNS file. Keyword arguments:


Name of the file. Should have .cgns extension.


Write the current state of the surface flow solution to a teclot file.


Name of the file. Should have .plt extension.

writeVolumeSolutionFile(fileName, writeGrid=True)[source]

Write the current state of the volume flow solution to a CGNS file. This is a lower level routine; Normally one should call writeSolution().


Name of the file. Should have .cgns extension.


Flag specifying whether the grid should be included or if links should be used. Always writing the grid is recommended even in cases when it is not strictly necessary. Note that if writeGrid = False the volume files do not contain any grid coordinates rendering the file useless if a separate grid file was written out and is linked to it.