
All the core computations in ADflow are coded in Fortran. It is therefore necessary to build this library before using ADflow.


ADflow requires the following dependencies:

  • CGNS Library

  • PETSc

  • MPI

  • Complexify (see the Complex build section)

See the MDO Lab installation guide here for the supported versions and installation instructions.


ADflow follows the standard MDO Lab build procedure. To start, find a configuration file close to your current setup in:


and copy it to config/ For example:

cp config/defaults/ config/

If you are a beginner user installing the packages on a linux desktop, you should use the config.LINUX_GFORTRAN versions of the configuration files. The config.LINUX_INTEL versions are usually used on clusters. ADflow has been successfully compiled on LINUX with either ifort or gfortran.

Once you have copied the config file, compile ADflow by running:


If everything was successful, the following lines will be printed to the screen (near the end):

Testing if module adflow can be imported...
Module adflow was successfully imported.

If you don’t see this, it will be necessary to configure the build manually. To configure manually, open config/ and modify options as necessary. Common issues are often that dependency variable paths, such as CGNS_INCLUDE_FLAGS and CGNS_LINKER_FLAGS, point to an incorrect location and need to be updated. After changes to the configuration file, run make clean before attempting a new build.


Compiling ADflow on HPC clusters requires additional care, as some systems do not have a homogeneous CPU architecture across all nodes. For example, the architecture of the login nodes may differ from the architecture of compute nodes available on the same cluster.

Compiling the code on/for a specific login node type may result in unexpected crashes if the compute nodes have an incompatible (newer) architecture. You can append the -march=<HPC-ARCH> flag to the file to specify the architecture of the compute node and avoid such issues. To optimize the compiled code for a specific architecture, one can add the -mtune=<HPC-ARCH> flag. However, this is rarely needed. An example of the updated flags in the config file is:

FF90_FLAGS = <normal-flags> -march=<HPC-ARCH> -mtune=<HPC-ARCH>

Note that the <HPC-ARCH> should be replaced with the name of the correct compute node architecture. This name is compiler-specific and also depends on the compiler version.

For example, if the login nodes use newer Cascade Lake CPUs while the compute nodes are based on older Sandy Bridge CPUs it may be necessary to set -march=sandybridge in your file:

FF90_FLAGS = <normal-flags> -march=sandybridge

We recommend to contact your local HPC team to get more information about hardware specific issues.

Lastly, to build and install the Python interface, type:

pip install .


ADflow contains a set of simple tests that can be run automatically to ensure ADflow reproduces the expected reference results. First, install IDWarp and pyGeo. Next, install the other testing dependencies by going to the root ADflow directory and typing:

pip install .[testing]

With all of these packages installed, you can fully verify your ADflow installation. First, run the script:


to download and extract the necessary files. Then in the root directory run:

testflo .

Complex Build

Its possible to build a “complexified” version of ADflow directly from the real version. To do so, ADflow relies on the Complexify module and library, which needs to be compiled and installed first. Furthermore, complex ADflow requires a complex build of PETSc to build and run. The PETSc configuration script must be re-run with the following options:

./configure --with-shared-libraries --download-superlu_dist=yes --download-parmetis=yes --download-metis=yes --with-fortran-interfaces=1 --with-debugging=yes --with-scalar-type=complex --PETSC_ARCH=complex-debug

Follow instructions as before to complete complex build. Now, to build complex ADflow do:

make -f Makefile_CS

Note that, PETSC_ARCH, must be set and point to the complex PETSc before the code is compiled, and must also be set when running in complex mode. In the above example, an intermediate convenience variable, PETSC_ARCH_COMPLEX, defines the complex PETSc arch path. Once the library is built run the following to install the python module and library into your environment.

pip install .[complex]

To run the complex tests, first set the PETSC_ARCH to the complex architecture. Then run:

testflo . -m "cmplx_test*"