Cost Functions

ADflow works in three dimensions (\(x, y, z\)) and application of angles such as alpha and beta change the inflow angle, not the mesh itself. For example, a high lift airfoil at \(\alpha=20^{\circ}\) has the same mesh as that same airfoil at \(\alpha=0^{\circ}\). Similarly, a moth T-foil at a \(\beta=5^{\circ}\) leeway angle has the same mesh at \(\beta=0^{\circ}\).

The relevant subroutines for the evaluation of cost functions are located in surfaceIntegrations.F90 and zipperIntegrations.F90. The primary cost functions that are computed in the Fortran code are defined in the adflowCostFunctions dictionary in The following list describes each primary cost function and specifies its units.


Surface stresses (this includes shear/viscous, normal/pressure, and momentum/unsteady stresses) integrated in the direction of the liftIndex but perpendicular to the streamwise direction (i.e., dot product in this direction). To clarify, the angle of attack alpha does affect the direction of the force projection. Units: Newton


Surface stresses (this includes shear/viscous, normal/pressure, and momentum/unsteady stresses) integrated in the streamwise direction (i.e., dot product in this direction). Units: Newton


Lift coefficient computed as \(\frac{L}{qA}\) where \(A\) is areaRef declared in AeroProblem() and \(q\) is dynamic pressure. Units: None


Drag coefficient computed as \(\frac{D}{qA}\) where \(A\) is areaRef declared in AeroProblem() and \(q\) is dynamic pressure. Units: None


Component of the lift coefficient cl from pressure / normal stresses. Units: None


Component of the lift coefficient cl from viscous / shear stresses. Units: None


Momentum component of the lift coefficient cl that stems from time rate of change of velocity (unsteady simulation). Units: None


Component of the drag coefficient cd from pressure / normal stresses. Units: None


Component of the drag coefficient cd from viscous / shear stresses. Units: None


Momentum component of the drag coefficient cd that stems from time rate of change of velocity (unsteady simulation). Units: None


Force from surface stresses (this includes shear/viscous, normal/pressure, and momentum/unsteady stresses) integrated in the global \(x\) direction. This direction does not change based on angle of attack and side slip angle. Units: Newton


Like fx but in the global \(y\) direction Units: Newton


Like fx but in the global \(z\) direction Units: Newton


Force coefficient in the global \(x\) direction computed as \(\frac{F_x}{qA}\) where \(A\) is areaRef. Units: None


Components of the fx coefficient cfx from pressure / normal stresses. Units: None


Components of the fx coefficient cfx from viscous / shear stresses. Units: None


Momentum component of the fx coefficient cfx that stems from time rate of change of velocity (unsteady simulation). Units: None


Like cfx but in the global \(y\) direction.


Like cfxp but in the global \(y\) direction.


Like cfxv but in the global \(y\) direction.


Like cfxm but in the global \(y\) direction.


Like cfx but in the global \(z\) direction.


Like cfxp but in the global \(z\) direction.


Like cfxv but in the global \(z\) direction.


Like cfxm but in the global \(z\) direction.


Moment about \(x\) axis, computed at the location (xRef, yRef, zRef) as defined in AeroProblem. Units: Newton * meter


Moment about \(y\) axis, computed at the location (xRef, yRef, zRef) as defined in AeroProblem. Units: Newton * meter


Moment about \(z\) axis, computed at the location (xRef, yRef, zRef) as defined in AeroProblem. Units: Newton * meter


Moment coefficient about \(x\) axis computed as \(\frac{M_x}{qAc_{ref}}\) where \(A\) is areaRef and \(c_{ref}\) is a reference length (AeroProblem.chordRef). Units: None


Moment coefficient about \(y\) axis computed as \(\frac{M_y}{qAc_{ref}}\) where \(A\) is areaRef and \(c_{ref}\) is a reference length (AeroProblem.chordRef). Units: None


Moment coefficient about \(z\) axis computed as \(\frac{M_z}{qAc_{ref}}\) where \(A\) is areaRef and \(c_{ref}\) is a reference length (AeroProblem.chordRef). Units: None


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Moment coefficient about the \(z\) axis at the zero value of the time spectral motion perturbation.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the moment coefficient about the \(z\) axis with respect to angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the moment coefficient about the \(z\) axis with respect to the time derivative of angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Lift coefficient at the zero value of the time spectral motion perturbation.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to the time derivative of angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Force coefficient in the \(y\) axis direction at the zero value of the time spectral motion perturbation.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the force coefficient in the \(y\) axis direction with respect to angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the force coefficient in the \(y\) axis direction with respect to the time derivative of angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Drag coefficient at the zero value of the time spectral motion perturbation.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the drag coefficient with respect to angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the drag coefficient with respect to the time derivative of angle of attack.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the moment coefficient about the \(z\) axis with respect to pitch rate.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the moment coefficient about the \(z\) axis with respect to the time derivative of pitch rate.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to pitch rate.


NOTE: Time spectral stability derivatives are broken as of 2023. Derivative of the lift coefficient with respect to the time derivative of pitch rate.


NOTE: Broken as of 2023. Root bending moment coefficient.


The separation values for the given surface is provided by this cost function. See Kenway and Martins [1] for more details.


The separation sensor value based on the KS aggregation for the given surface is provided by this cost function. We first compute the deviation of the local velocity from the projected freestream on the desired surface. Then, we use a trigonometric function to compute the sensor by providing an allowable flow deviation angle from this projected vector. As a result, the sensor provides values ranging from -1 to a positive number, which depends on sepSensorKsPhi angle selection. Any values that are greater than 0 are out of the allowable flow deviation. Thus, to constraint the separation, we use KS aggregation to find the maximum value in the sensor and can constraint it to be less than or equal to 0. See Abdul-Kaiyoom et al. [2] and Abdul-Kaiyoom [3] for more details.


The area separated based on the KS aggregation approach. This sensor provides the total area of the cells, where sepsensorks is greater than 0 in those cells. This area is computed by considering two heaviside smoothing function with KS aggregation approach. It is recommended to start the initial angle of attack in the separated region to compute this value because of the sensor’s highly nonlinear behaviour. See Abdul-Kaiyoom et al. [2] and Abdul-Kaiyoom [3] for more details.


The separation sensor average in x direction. The sensor times the distance in x direction value is computed here.


The separation sensor average in y direction. The sensor times the distance in y direction value is computed here.


The separation sensor average in z direction. The sensor times the distance in z direction value is computed here.


Cavitation sensor, not to be confused with the cavitation number. It is a modified Heaviside function accounting for how much \(-C_p\) exceeds the cavitation number over the given surface family. The computeCavitation flag must be set to True because this introduces additional computations. The most common use case of this cost function involves constraining it over a specific surface family, not all walls. See Liao et al. [4] for more details. Units: None


Minimum coefficient of pressure (\(C_p\)) over the given surface family. This function is computed with Kreisselmeier-Steinhauser (KS) function aggregation resulting in a conservative constraint because the cpmin outputted will always be more negative than the true \(C_{p,min}\). The computeCavitation flag must be set to True because this introduces additional computations involving global communications across processors. If False, the returned value is zero. Units: None


Mass flow rate through the integration surface. Units: kg / s


Mass flow rate averaged total pressure. Units: Pascal


Area averaged total pressure. Units: Pascal


Area averaged static pressure. Units: Pascal


Mass flow rate averaged total temperature. Units: Kelvin


Mass flow rate averaged static pressure. Units: Pascal


Mass flow rate averaged Mach number. Units: None


The area of the integrated surface. Units: meter^2


Moments about the axis given by momentAxis defined in the AeroProblem(). Units: Newton * meter


Added power by actuator region to the flow volume computed from volume integration. Units: Watt


Pressure component of force in the global \(x\) direction. The pressure is calcualted as the difference of the pressure on the wall and the free stream pressure. For closed surfaces, the free stream pressure delta will cancel and the resulting force calculation is correct. However, integrating the force on open surfaces will not result in the free stream static pressure contribution cancelling out. Dimensional cfxp Units: Newton


Like forcexpressure but in the global \(y\) direction. Units: Newton


Like forcexpressure but in the global \(z\) direction. Units: Newton


Viscous component of force in x direction. Dimensional version of cfxv. Units: Newton


Viscous component of force in y direction. Units: Newton


Viscous component of force in z direction. Units: Newton


Momentum component of force in x direction. Units: Newton


Momentum component of force in y direction. Units: Newton


Momentum component of force in z direction. Units: Newton


Pressure drag. Units: Newton


Viscous drag. Units: Newton


Momentum drag from time rate of change of velocity (unsteady simulations). Dimensional cdm Units: Newton


Pressure component of lift. Units: Newton


Viscous component of lift. Units: Newton


Momentum lift (due to changing momentum of flow in unsteady simulation). Units: Newton


Mass-averaged \(x\) velocity (i.e., \(\Sigma \dot{m}_x / \Sigma \dot{m}\)). Units: m / s


Mass-averaged \(y\) velocity. Units: m / s


Mass-averaged \(z\) velocity. Units: m / s


A derived velocity average.


The square of the difference between computed cp and target cp* for inverse design. See setTargetCp() call.


The following center of force cost functions first list the force component (e.g., Fx) and then the coordinate (e.g., x coordinate). These cost functions look at the sum of all forces. Center of x force, x coordinate. Units: Meter


Center of x force, y coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of x force, z coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of y force, x coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of y force, y coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of y force, z coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of z force, x coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of z force, y coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of z force, z coordinate. See cofxx description for more details. Units: Meter


Center of lift force, x coordinate. Units: Meter


Center of lift force, y coordinate. Units: Meter


Center of lift force, z coordinate. Units: Meter



Gaetan K. W. Kenway and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins. Buffet-onset constraint formulation for aerodynamic shape optimization. AIAA Journal, 55(6):1930–1947, June 2017. doi:10.2514/1.J055172.

[2] (1,2)

Mohamed Arshath Saja Abdul-Kaiyoom, Anil Yildirim, Alasdair C. Gray, and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins. Airfoil separation constraint formulation for aerodynamic shape optimization. Journal of Aircraft, 2024. (In press). doi:10.2514/1.C037365.

[3] (1,2)

Mohamed Arshath Saja Abdul-Kaiyoom. Numerical Methods for Coupled Aeropropulsive Design Optimization. PhD thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2025. doi:.


Yingqian Liao, Joaquim R. R. A. Martins, and Yin Lu Young. 3-D high-fidelity hydrostructural optimization of cavitation-free composite lifting surfaces. Composite Structures, 268:113937, July 2021. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113937.


James G. Coder, Thomas H. Pulliam, David Hue, Gaetan K. W. Kenway, and Anthony J. Sclafani. Contributions to the 6th AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop using structured grid methods. In AIAA SciTech Forum. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, January 2017. doi:10.2514/6.2017-0960.


Nitin Garg, Gaetan K. W. Kenway, Joaquim R. R. A. Martins, and Yin Lu Young. High-fidelity multipoint hydrostructural optimization of a 3-D hydrofoil. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 71:15–39, May 2017. doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2017.02.001.


Mads H. Aa. Madsen, Frederik Zahle, Niels N. Sørensen, and Joaquim R. R. A. Martins. Multipoint high-fidelity CFD-based aerodynamic shape optimization of a 10 MW wind turbine. Wind Energy Science, 4:163–192, April 2019. doi:10.5194/wes-4-163-2019.