.. _adflow_costFunctions: Cost Functions ============== ADflow works in three dimensions (:math:`x, y, z`) and application of angles such as ``alpha`` and ``beta`` change the inflow angle, not the mesh itself. For example, a high lift airfoil at :math:`\alpha=20^{\circ}` has the same mesh as that same airfoil at :math:`\alpha=0^{\circ}`. Similarly, a moth T-foil at a :math:`\beta=5^{\circ}` leeway angle has the same mesh at :math:`\beta=0^{\circ}`. The relevant subroutines for the evaluation of cost functions are located in ``surfaceIntegrations.F90`` and ``zipperIntegrations.F90``. The primary cost functions that are computed in the Fortran code are defined in the ``adflowCostFunctions`` dictionary in ``pyADflow.py``. The following list describes each primary cost function and specifies its units. .. costfunctionslist:: adflow.pyADflow.ADFLOW References ========== .. bibliography:: :style: unsrt